Friday, June 5, 2015

OK, time to dial it back, get my head clear.

Vacuum Permittivity.
Odd as it may seem, vacuum has a definite electrical impedance, 376 ohms.
But like any dielectric in a capacitor, there are instances where the electrical tension in the dielectric exceeds what the dielectric can handle.
A very sharp voltage spike can cause a capacitor to burst, but not by the typical short-circuit/heating route.
With most dielectrics, there is a slight expansion of the solid in the direction of the electrostatic field.
Simply put, the dielectric swells up with more charge, gets skinny as discharged.
Hit the capacitor with a spike, and the dielectric expands so fast it can fly apart!
Ceramic caps sometimes fail this way.
So, here we go again with the speculation: If you 'spiked' vacuum hard enough, would it 'burst' as well?  Or would it briefly expand to absorb the 'spike'?
This is what my design is counting on.

But in all of this, I really do not have any legitimate reason to think this can work.
My training, experience and all the information I can find says "Nope", the energy just isn't there, there is no Aether to push against, physics just doesn't work that way.
So I continue on a plainly hopeless path, but that is not the point.

There are times when you have to challenge what you believe about yourself and everything in your life.
And if setting a goal known to be impossible is foolish, then I shall be joining good company.
I guess this is going to be my "Philosphers Stone".
That magical something that transforms everything, forever.
And yes, I know a metaphor when I see one!

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