Monday, August 17, 2015

This is the real problem with my ability to communicate:  I am constantly evaluating the other person in terms of 'worthiness', based on my own life-experience as a guide!
How unfair!
I have done metal-working stuff for years, and so when I try to help someone drill a hole in a bracket, I am not very good at hiding how inept I think their skills are!
"Really?  Who would hold a drill like that?!"  "Are you kidding me?  Drilling through sheet-metal without a back-up block?  Are you crazy?"  "Why are you drilling from the back to the front?  That can mess up the finish!  Dummy."
The preceding quotes are what is running through my head.  I usually don't say this stuff, but I can't stop thinking it!
And I am certain that my tone of voice, the words I choose to use, and how I behave in general all indicate what I am thinking.
That is why I am a lousy 'hand-on' teacher.  I have trouble remembering not having learned skills yet.
I assume that people who can't do what I can do are stupid, lazy or incompetent.
I always takes me a while to remember: "Oh, wait, this person is 24 years old, and this is her first project of any kind!  Of course she needs help with EVERYTHING!"
BTW, that last revelation usually occurs 1-5 weeks after that person has given up on me as a teacher.
This is nothing new.  No change in my meds lead to this.
I have been 'that guy' since I was in my twenties.
Yes, I can be the "Go To!" guy to answer questions and the like, but re-read everything above, and ask yourself if you ever want to ask me very many questions...
I am not arguing for my limitations, just trying to be open about them.
Folks have a right to know what kind of nasty old brute they are dealing with.

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