Monday, May 25, 2015

First off, I want to define 'fundamental particles' as electrons, neutrons and protons.
That's it.
The funky shrapnel that is ionizing radiation are bits and pieces of the fundamentals.
Instability within the nucleus is unfortunate, but I don't have any theories on that yet.
And the weird particles out of high energy collisions?  Sparks from throwing alarm clocks at each other at high speed.  With enough energy, you can cook up any particle you want.  They just don't live very long.

So, electrons first.
Carries a charge, has extremely small mass, is 'distributed' in space [probability defines location].
All photon/matter interactions are mediated by electrons.  No exceptions.  Almost everything we ever see is valence shell electrons at various energy levels and bondings.  Cool.
OK, that is the Classic stuff, greatly simplified.
My turn:  Electron is [this gets allegorical] like a bubble on the 'surface' of ZPE.  OK, surface isn't quite right, but if the energy level of ZPE is visualized as the surface of a liquid, this starts to work.
So, small bubble on surface of liquid.  Mostly open space, very little disturbance in the surface of the liquid, easily moved around by currents.  Motion across the surface is electrical current, the effect on the liquid [ripples] is electro-magnetic field.  And yes, reversible.  Motor/generator.
Note!  The electrons in question are not 'in space' but in materials.  The electrons in a material are still 'in ZPE'.  And it is within the subtle energy differences of the electrons 'group memberships' that help define what that material 'is'.
Group membership?  Yeah.  Electrons exist in several distinct 'worlds'.  ZPE or space/time, and in the worlds of valence [within an atom], bonding [between atoms], quantum energy levels, surface plasmons [metallic reflection]...busy little guys, these electrons.
Given all the things that influence electrons, and how many of those work both ways, it is easy to see how something as simple as intense electrical discharges could effect so many systems.
Not all the effects are seen in all discharges, and rise-time is the culprit.
Full potential of the discharge voltage is realized only with zero current, then as current flows, voltage across the arc-gap begins to fall.
At some point between voltage dropping, and current rising, there must be a point where voltage/current in the arc exceeds some threshold.
More likely, it is the voltage potential just before conduction that breaks vacuum permittivity.
Intense electrostatic fields, like in a capacitor, can cause the dielectric to physically expand.  As the dielectric expands, its density [and insulating properties] become less dense, until a breakdown occurs.
If the voltage rise is fast enough, capacitors can literally burst.  The plates are moving apart fast enough that they can separate from the dielectric.
If ZPE could be forced to expand, even briefly, it would be experienced as an explosive displacement of matter away from the discharge.
Just like Ampere saw.
Coffee time!

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