Friday, May 22, 2015

I have no idea what I am doing with a Blog, but I lose my notes all the time.
Harder to misplace the internet.

Longitudinal Ampere Forces.  Old technology, little understood.
While there are many incarnations of this force, my efforts will be focusing on short-arc repulsion effects.
Water-arc explosions, exploding wires/films and the like will get separate treatments.

In essensce, high-energy electrical discharges can result in immense physical forces being generated.
I say immense forces, but in the context of very tiny physical phenomenon exerting a large force.

Ampere conducted experiments with high currents, and moderate voltages.  Much of what we know of the relationship of current, magnetic fields and forces.
One odd experiment used two very pointy copper electrodes, almost touching each other.
Ampere wanted to 'concentrate' an arc into a tiny volume, to see what would happen.
The electrodes [copper rods] were driven apart violently, the tips mushroomed.  As if struck by a hammer-blow.
The experiment was finicky: the voltage range, the size of electrodes, even the humidity.
The one factor that had the biggest effect on the result was switching time.
A slow rise-time would just melt or vaporize the copper tips.
A fairly fast [mouse-trap switch, in oil-bath] switch would sometimes work.
The fastest switches, arc-gap types, gave the most consistent results.

Looking at the various repulsion/explosion experiments, I began to consider why the explosive exist in the first place.
Does an electrical discharge exerted some sort of force? Volume?  Amperes equations accounted for part of it, but some experiments were getting 'over unity' results.
I get a real icky feeling when I read 'over unity'.  I think fraud, error or just bad notes.
I was ready to dismiss the whole thing, then I looked at the numbers.
A team had used a capacitor that could store 2500 joules, and the 35 joules worth of 'work' done by the arc explosion [mechanical work, heat, light, sound] looks pretty pathetic.
But then looking closer, the residual charge on the capacitor suggests that only about 7 joules were actually expended in the 'shot'.
Hmmm, says I.
I was not the only one to see such weird results.
But no one seemed able to capture the energy from the shot.

What if ZPE was involved?  I know, that is like asking "Does my fat makes these jeans look ass?"
Everyone in the 'alternate energy' camp runs to ZPE when something funky goes down, but chill, there is a good ending.
I use ZPE in the same way others might say space/time, Aether, whatever.
The 'instantansous' conditions inside the arc are fun: thousands of volts across a tiny gap, millions of amps, billions of watts, all in a volume less than a microliter.
True, these sorts of conditions last only a fraction of a nano-second, but what if that is enough to 'inflate' a bit of space/time?
There is a theoretical equivalency between a volume of space/time and Energy.  Like E=MC^2, except different.
So...does that discharge have enough energy to make a short-lived 'bubble' of extra ZPE?
Why do I ask all these ques....never mind.
If the discharge inflates space/time, the 'current' space/time [which contains all our stuff..and thangs] is shoved aside by the expanding 'bubble'.  The thangs in our space/time get shoved aside, since they are 'pinned' to our space/time.  Yes, when the bubble 'bursts', there is no 'suck-back'; the thing that was no longer is, can't exert a vacuum without a vacuum.  The things set in motion, remain in motion.
This is where I am now, investigating the following:
1. Minimum energy level to make 'bubbles'
2. Create electrodes capable of resisting erosion from arcing.  See #1!
3. See if it possible to make arc discharge path 'bend'.
4. Vector additions, electrode 'recoil', discharge path push. 
5. Thruster longevity testing.


  1. Well done on your first blog! You may notice with high voltage arc discharges that the lead in wires, if suspended in the air, will jerk sideways - very bizarre phenomenon!

  2. In high-power radar sets, there are conductors that get tied down every inch or so, but NOT at the 1/4 wavelength of the transmitter!
    The reason for the lacing? To prevent 'cable slap'.
    Cable slap. Oooh boy!
